Macaulay2 (M2) :
High-performance algebraic computing
Anton Leykin
(Georgia Tech)
M2 on M1 for M3 (ENS Lyon, 2023)
M2 history
- Created more than 30 years ago (Grayson and Stillman)
- Successor to Macaulay (Bayer and Stillman)
- Named after Francis Sowerby Macaulay FRS
- Evolved to
- include over 200 packages
- use over a dozen of third-party libraries
- examples: singular-factory, flint
- most recent: mpfi (Burr)
- perhaps in future: msolve (Helmer)
- interface over a dozen external programs
- M2 is referenced in more than 3000 publications.
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Languages used
- kernel: C and C++
- interpreter: D (Grayson)
- top-level: M2 language
R = ZZ[a..d]
res ideal(a,b,c,d)
Involved algebraic concepts at your fingertips
This is an example of output in emacs.
Other ways to work with M2 code
Parallel processing overview
- Top-level task scheduler
- MPI package (under construction)
- parallelization in the kernel
- popular choice: tbb
- pthreads, OpenMP, C++ std::, ...
Top-level task scheduler
Gary (Bill) Furnish (1987-2017)
MPI (core support + package)
E.g., master-worker approach:
Worker runs
Master runs
Homotopy continuation
- a parametric system of equations
- start values of parameters and
a set of start solutions
- target values of parameters
Want: target solutions
Pleasantly parallelizable!
Regeneration and u-generation
- Strategy:
solve equation-by-equation
- Geometrically, intersect
the "current" variety with
the "next" hypersurface
- Keep track of equidimensional
using witness sets.
Duff, L., Rodriguez.
u-generation: solving systems of polynomials...
(to appear in Numerical Algorithms)
TBB in M2 core: F4 implementation in M2
AssociativeAlgebras package and kernel functions
Free agebra generated by
a finite number of letters
Need: Groebner bases
for two-sided ideals
Potential for parallelization? F4?
- GitHub
- and M2 google group
- M2 workshops (2-3 every year)
- M2internals group (about a dozen people)
- interested in kernel development and maintenance
- building (autotools, cmake)
- distribution: brew on OS X (Sayrafi), Debian (Torrance)
JSAG = Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry
- 384 contributors (GitHub organization)