Office: Skiles 109, lastname@math.gatech.edu, Curriculum Vitae
- Research Interests:
- Numerical Algebraic Geometry: solving
systems of polynomial equations, homotopy continuation methods, certification;
- Symbolic Computation: computational commutative algebra and
algebraic geometry;
- Applications and Supercomputing: applications of symbolic and
numerical methods of the above two areas in sciences and engineering.
- Publications:
Google Scholar,
- Software:
Macaulay2 computer algebra system,
- Teaching:
(Fall 2024) -- Nonlinear Algebra with a view toward solving systems of polynomial equations (Math 4803-NLA, also available as 4803-HP).
Other courses from earlier years.
- Upcoming conferences:
Commutative Algebra: Micro-workshop on Internal Workings of Macaulay2,
(Toronto, Canada; Feb 6-11, 2025)
MAAG 2025,
(Auburn, AL; April
12-13 19-20, 2025)
Macaulay2 workshop,
(New Orleans, LA; April 14-18, 2025)
Macaulay2 workshop,
(Madison, WI; Jun 30 - Jul 4, 2025)
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry (AG25),
(Madison, WI; Jul 7-11, 2025)
Mathematical Congress of the Americas,
(Miami, FL; Jul 21-25, 2025)
ISSAC: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation,
(CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico; Jul 28 - Aug 1, 2025)
Opportunities for Ukrainian mathematicians