- Macaulay2 computer algebra system
- Most of my contributions are to packages of Macaulay2. This includes a few large constellations of packages implementing ...
- ... algorithms that deals with solving polynomial systems using numerical homotopy continuation:
- NumericalAlgebraicGeometry (main package)
- NAGtypes, SLPexpressions, NumericalLinearAlgebra (supposting packages)
- NoetherianOperators (nonreduced schemes represented numerically)
- NumericalSchubertCalculus (application to Schubert problems on Grassmannians)
- ... algorithms for D-modules. Originally worked on in 2000's with Harry Tsai. Since then one package got split into several:
- Dmodules (the lead package)
- WeylAlgebras (basic methods)
- BernsteinSato (b-functions, local cohomology, ...)
- HolonomicSystems (A-hypergeometric systems, ...)
- Other (older, sometimes outdated) contributions
- PHCmaple ---
a Maple interface to the numerical homotopy algorithms
- HoG (with Frank Sottile) --- Galois group computation of Schubert problems
- SuperReduce --- Parallel computation of Grobner bases